Lorien Gamaroff

Founder/CEO of Bankymoon and Co-founder/CEO of Centbee

Lorien Gamaroff is the Founder and CEO of Bankymoon, a blockchain and cryptocurrency consultancy and Co-founder and CEO of Centbee, a cryptocurrency payment and remittance company.

As South Africa’s foremost blockchain expert, Lorien has been invited around the world to speak on digital/cryptocurrencies and decentralised/distributed ledgers and their benefits for emerging economies. He has addressed the IMF, World Bank, FBI and Commonwealth Secretariat, the South African Reserve Bank, TEDx and a host of banking professionals and attorney generals throughout the world. He offers insight and guidance to business executives and advises the government on blockchain technologies and their implications.

He pioneered blockchain payments for utility smart metering and was the co-founder of the Blockchain Academy which educates professionals on all aspects of blockchains from regulations to software development.

  • https://www.centbee.com
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